The Centre of Mathematical Social Science (CMSS) was pleased to host a one-day specialised transdisciplinary workshop on the themes of mis- and dis-information featuring two research groups based respectively at Victoria University of Wellington (VUW) and the University of Auckland (UOA) talking about their research projects focussing on those themes.

When: Tuesday, 27 August 2024, 10:30am to 12:30pm & 2pm to 4pm

Venue: Room 260-307 [City Campus, Sir OGGB, level 3, room 307, 12 Grafton Road, Auckland – see map]

Guest speakers from VUW were:

Further invited speakers and contributors were:

The event was held in person, but remote access was guaranteed for interested attendees wanting to join online.

Convenor: Simona Fabrizi — CMSS Co-Director and Coordinator/Leader of the Infodemic Project

The workshop was sponsored via the Transdisciplinary Ideation Fund, awarded to Simona Fabrizi as a PI in the 2023 round and running until the end of 2025. The support of the Vice-Chancellor Office of the University of Auckland for the advancement of the Infodemic Project is also kindly acknowledged.

The CMSS is a transdisciplinary research centre with members from fields, including mathematics, economics, computer science, philosophy, and statistics. Research covers areas such as decision-making, social choice, voting, social networks, game theory, and experimental economics.