DAY 1 Morning – Lectures by Rabah Amir on Supermodularity and Applications (see more details here) – summary slides
10:00-11:30 Lecture I “Supermodular optimization and comparative statics”
11:30-11:45 Short Break
11:45:13:00 Lecture II “Games with strategic complementarities”
13:00-14:30 Lunch at Superfino Café (Level 1 of Sir OGGB)
DAY 1 Afternoon – Contributed Session
14:30-15:00 Joshua Greenwood “Democratic backsliding and media scrutiny” joint with Chanelle Duley and Prasanna Gai – slides
15:05-15:35 Doriani Lingga “Tax and subsidy policies in a two-sided market: An application to the digital healthcare industry” joint with Simona Fabrizi and Steffen Lippert – slides
15:40-16:10 Yibin Li “Bayesian persuasion with additional information” – slides
16:15-16:45 Steffen Lippert “Attack, defense, and the market for protection” joint with Simona Fabrizi and Jose A. Rodrigues-Neto – slides
17:00- Informal drinks at the Old Government House
DAY 2 Morning – Lectures by Rabah Amir on Supermodularity and Applications (see more details here)
10:00-11:30 Lecture III “Mathematical treatment of supermodularity”
11:30-11:45 Short Break
11:45:13:00 Lecture IV “Other selected topics”
13:00-14:30 Lunch at Superfino Café (Level 1 of Sir OGGB)
DAY 2 Afternoon – Contributed Session
14:30-15:00 Scarlett Buissink “Political positioning games of parties with ideologies” joint with Umberto Grandi and Arkadii Slinko – slides
15:05-15:35 Yunjie Shi “Waiting and preemption in public goods contribution” – slides
15:40-16:10 Diego Carrasco “Pandora with multi-unit search” joint with Allan Hernandez Chanto and Tono Carrasco – slides
16:15-16:45 Matthew Ryan “A stricter canon: general Luce models for arbitrary menu sets” joint with Jose A. Rodrigues-Neto and James Taylor – slides
17:00- Informal drinks at the Old Government House
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