Welcome to the website for the annual  Summer Workshop organized by Centre for Mathematical Social Sciences (CMSS). This page will remain as an archive after the event.

The CMSS is pleased to announce the programme for its 5th Summer Workshop. The Workshop will take place on 10-11 December 2013 at the University of Auckland. There is no registration fee for attending the Workshop — all are welcome.
Confirmed speakers include:

  • Claudio Mezzetti (University of Melbourne)
  • Shmuel Oren (Berkeley) *Sponsored by the EC and EPOC*
  • Ludovic Renou (University of Essex)
  • Frank Wolak (Stanford University) *Sponsored by ATE and Massey University*
  • Tim Roughgarden (Stanford University) *Sponsored by University of Auckland Department of Computer Science

Latest Programme


All sessions will be held in Room 315 of the Arts 1 Building (building number 206).


Registration, morning and afternoon teas will take place in the foyer outside 315. Lunches will be served on the Level 6 airbridge in the Owen G. Glenn Building (building number 260).

Workshop Dinner

There will be a conference dinner on 10 December at Ima’s Bistro.

The dinner is free for presenters. Others wishing to join us for the dinner should contact Matthew Ryan (m.ryan@auckland.ac.nz) regarding availability of space and the attendance fee.


Popular hotels and serviced apartments in the vicinity of campus include:

The Quadrant

Waldorf Celestion

The Pullman

Quest Carlaw Park

Quest Parnell

The Langham

ATE Symposium

Attendees may also be interested in the following event, taking place at the Albany Campus of Massey University on 12-13 December:

1st ATE Symposium


Finally, thanks to our generous sponsors:

ATE Research Network (Massey University)

Department of Computer Science (University of Auckland)

Energy Centre (University of Auckland)

Electric Power Optimization Centre (University of Auckland)

University of Auckland Business School


Summer Workshop 2013-14



Centre for Mathematical Social Science

Mathematical analysis of individual and collective decisions